The road

Becoming a designer is a long but exciting journey. Now that you have a better understanding of our discipline, it’s time to start planning the next steps towards shaping your design career.


Oh, the things you’ll create.

Illustration of a unicorn


Get clear on the next steps for starting your design career.

Illustrations by Michela Picchi


We’re hopeful that at this point, you have a good understanding of what it takes to create digital products and services that are truly designed for humans. From knowing your purpose as a designer, to understanding the importance of bringing users into your process, to learning about the design methods you can use to create experiences that are both useful and delightful. 

But there’s still a lot of work ahead of you.

Learning design is an ongoing process. If you ever feel like you’re done learning, it’s because you still don’t know what you don’t know. As a designer, it’s important you maintain a curious mind and continue to absorb knowledge from the people around you. Question everything you know to be true and invite other perspectives into the conversation. That’s how you grow. 

There are so many ways to learn more. Continue to expand your references and sources. Connect with other designers, join online communities, participate in events, find a mentor, and read more in-depth articles and books.  

There’s an exciting journey ahead of you, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll create next.

Next steps

Set new goals

1. Think back to when you defined what design is to you, and your dream job. How has it changed?  

2. What you have been learning about design can be applied in many ways, beyond a traditional design job. Reflect on how you want to apply what you learned.  

3. Define your career goals. What type of projects do you see yourself working on? What kind of design role might help you achieve that?


Build your community

1. Find people around you that are also learning, working in design, or working in a related field. Team up with them and find ways to support each other on your journeys. 

2. Join Slack and LinkedIn groups to meet people, ask questions, and practice some networking skills.

3. Find online meetups and conferences to join.


Find a mentor

1. Create a high-level outline of what you want to ask and learn from a design mentor. 

2. Reach out to designers you admire (like someone you found in Chapter 2).  

3. People might be busy or take a while to respond, so it's good to reach out to a few people. To make the most of the opportunity, after finding a mentor, focus on what you can learn from them before contacting others.


Keep learning

1. Reflect on all you learned in the past classes. What topics are you curious to learn more about? What are the ones you struggle with the most?

2. This class was just the beginning of your journey. Decide how you want to keep learning! There’s plenty of content out there for you to take in. 

3. Before signing up for a specific course or program, find people who have gone through it before and ask how their experiences were.


Keep practicing

1. Design is thinking and making. Both require practice. Don't rush to find a job in design or to publish your portfolio, focus first on learning, and finding your voice in design. 

2. Go beyond what you’ve done so far. Find more exercises, examples, and practices beyond the ones listed here.

Abstract shapes


Our industry needs more designers. Most importantly: a different type of designer.

THE PROGRESS we have seen in the last decade in terms of making our discipline more accessible to up and coming designers is undeniable. Really great. Still, quite slow. Digital product design remains an elitist discipline: hard to break in, overshadowed by unnecessary jargon, lacking organizations that genuinely represent all of its professionals’ best interests, and not as diverse as we all have dreamed it to become. At the end of the day, if design is not actively working to dismantle established exclusionary systems, it is simply perpetuating them. And that goes to how much we include or exclude people from our industry.

When you don’t lower the barrier to entering the design industry, only a really specific type of designer with a really specific type of background is able to get in.

Courses and bootcamps present a similar challenge. It’s not that there aren’t great classes out there — but those classes can be cost-prohibitive for a lot of people. Especially people who are still in the early stages of starting a career in design, in which case signing up for one of those courses can be a risky move.

WE OFTEN receive messages from our readers asking for tips on how to take their first steps into the world of digital product design. What should they be studying? What should they be reading? We noticed a pattern, though. When we reply to those messages giving people advice, there are usually a handful of articles, links, and pieces that we keep going back to. Articles that resist the test of time, that continue to be relevant several years after being published. Documentaries that will help designers look at our industry through a more critical lens.

For those reasons, we decided to put together this guide. We want this guide to serve as a reminder that when it comes to design, there’s no such thing as ultimate guides, magic formulas, or UX unicorns. There’s a lot of discipline and hard work, that’s what there is.

There won’t be a design job waiting for the reader at the end of the guide, and it is not a replacement for traditional education. The Guide To Design (for short) will give people a glimpse into what digital design work is really like, so they can decide if a career in UX might be right for them.

The UX Collective is a community of designers and writers who believe knowledge sharing can lead to a more diverse, smart, and future-proof design community.

Feedback: hello@uxdesign.cc